Category: Fences



In livestock farming, fencing is a very important technique to farmers who would like to keep their animals inside or outside a particular area. It can be done in different designs depending on factors such as the number of animals to be confined, the type of livestock, the land terrain or the location. 

Traditionally, fences were made of readily available materials such as timber and stone. However, following modern developments and technological improvements, more reliable fences have been designed. This article mainly focuses on the modern designs of livestock and animal fencing fast fence. 

  • Wire fencing 

The present day wire fences are usually made of galvanized high tensile steel. This material is highly preferred mainly for its hardness and its resistance to rust. Wooden posts, star posts or steel T-posts are erected all round the land being fenced at intervals. The wire fence is then attached to the posts using fencing staples for wooden posts and wire clips for steel Tposts. The wire should be tensioned using wire stretchers or fence stretchers to prevent it from sagging which may raise the risk of livestock escape or entanglementTypes of wire fences include: 

       1.Barbed wire 

It is made up of two steel wires twisted together and barbs attached at intervals. The number of strands depends on the type of animals being contained. For example, for pastures where cattle and sheep are to be confined together, one or two strands should be used together with woven wire to prevent sheep from crawling under and cattle from jumping over 

         2.Smooth wire  

The difference between smooth wire and barbed wire is that smooth wire has no barbs attached to it. It is either made up of a single wire or two twisted wires. It is less expensive and also reduces the risk of animals being cut or injured. However, it can be loosened by animals  when leaning on it.  

         3.Woven wire 

It is characterized by wire knots wrapped around intersecting wires. It is efficient in confining pigs, goats and sheepDifferent forms of woven wires include chain link, no climb fence, field fence, sheep fence and hog panel.  

  • Electric fence 

 It is made up of electrified light steel wires attached to posts with insulators. A fence charger is used to send pulses from ground to the wire. Animals receive a harmless but uncomfortable shock when they contact the wire. They learn to stay away from it.  

  • Pipes, cableswood and other materials 

Fences can be made from stranded cables, scrap pipes and wooden rails since they are available at low prices. 

  • Synthetic fence 

This involves a variety of products. For example, vinyl-coated wire is based on high tensile wire coated with vinyl. Others have layers of graphite to carry currents from wire to the outside for electrification 

In summary, these modern designs of livestock and animal fencing are reliable and relatively cheap compared to the traditional ones. Farmers should turn to them for efficiency in livestock containment 

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